Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Twitter and somehow I'm cool.

Ding dang! I am very honored to have made Sean Moore's (not me, I swear) list of 50+ Important Flash Platform Developers! It's amazing to be included with some amazingly talented people on there (except Jesse Freeman, that guy is a bum!).

Link to awesome list of flash peeps.

And, if you want to follow my nonsense on twitter, please do!

Link to my Twitter page.

I'd like to thank the academy, my baby mama, and SeanTheFlexGuy.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Experiments in Microsites

Ok, let's get one thing clear: there is no way to "create a viral experience". BUT, I'm going to try to anyway.

I'm an idea guy, I can't help it. So, I've set out to complete at least 2 sites a week! Well, microsites.

And here's my first one:


More to come. . .